
How To Target Belly Fat – Proven Plan Loses 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

If you are dieting to lose belly fat and have experienced less than spectacular results do not feel too bad. You may have lost a few pounds dieting but no luck losing the belly fat that drove you to diet in the first place.If you really want to know how to target belly fat and lose it long term this article will show you how to burn at least 10 pounds of pure fat in 14 days.

If you follow the advice in this article your body will re program itself to burn "fat" not just lose weight (water, lean muscle or waste), and you'll automatically be targeting "fat" in the belly area first. Great news is this system does not rely on gut wrenching "will power", in other words, this fat burn process is not painful.

That being said … first a little about why standard diets are bad for fat loss …

Dieting and Fat Loss

A typical "diet" is a poor way to really burn fat for several reasons. Dieting means in the majority of cases, restricting calories, eating less. Fat burning requires your metabolism be in high gear, which means you will have to be eating more … lots of food! Obviously there is way more to it than that because it's the specific "quality 'of the food you consume more so than" quantity "of calories that leads to effective fat burning.

Starvation Diets Keep You Fat

When you restrict calories your metabolism slows way, way down, you are starving yourself and keeping "fat". This is a natural physiological survival reaction. Like an animal hibernating storing up fat for a long winter sleep, your body not knowing when it will get enough food stores fat as a future energy source.

So if you are restricting calories you may be feeling tired and in a daze, and to add insult to injury your waistline has not shrunk a bit. You also may not feel as strong as your muscle mass is slowly diminishing; obviously not the "look" you are going for …

How to Target Belly Fat

You want to target the fat around your belly, right?

Well … first you need to control blood sugar! This may seem odd but it's the root cause of gaining and losing fat around your waist or anywhere else. Spiking blood sugar causes you to produce the hormone insulin. While insulin is present your system you absolutely will not burn stubborn fat cells from your belly or anywhere else.

Like most of us who randomly and routinely consume the wrong foods we eat way too much sugar, high fructose corn syrup and simple carbs which keep blood sugar spiking and insulin surging. Think about all the sugar and hidden sugar you consume daily. How about all the white flour products? Try totally eliminating them for 2 weeks.

Yes, eliminate all sugar, hidden sugar and white flour for two weeks and see what good things happen. First your blood sugar will totally stabilize, and appetite will be much more under control. No cravings or mind fog.

Your body will start burning "fat" cells for energy instead of relying on the surplus of glucose from all the sugar and useless fat producing carbs you have been steadily eating.

So What DO You Eat To Burn Fat ?

Learning about all the amazing foods that keep your blood sugar stable is critical. It's an important piece in the puzzle in learning how to target belly fat.

The problem is this is where you may need the MOST help. Keeping variety takes a little planning but is well worth the effort. If you plan correctly you will completely eliminate all the old dieting roadblocks you have had in the past. The video below shows you step by step how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks by choosing the fat burning foods you need.

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